(608) 897-9500
1203 1st Center Ave, Brodhead, WI 53520


Our company

Real Estate Connections SCW, LLC is a bustling, full-service real estate agency that thrives on navigating buyers and sellers successfully through the many details that accompany buying and selling real estate.

Each transaction will produce its own, unique set of circumstances and challenges that must be addressed in a professional and timely manner.   This requires an agent’s full attention, continual monitoring, and clear communication with all parties to ensure contingencies are truly in the process of being cleared and deadlines are being met.

We at Real Estate Connections would like to put our experience, knowledge, and skill to work for you.

Our Vision

Integrity, Service, and Knowledge.

Real Estate Connections places importance on so many things and Integrity is at the very top of the list.  It is the manner, in which we conduct ourselves and our business.

An experienced, thorough understanding of real estate values, procedures, and regulations allow us to provide trusted service that our customers and clients can rely on, allowing them peace of mind and the ability to focus on other things, while we navigate their real estate needs.

A deep knowledge of our region, and its wonderful people, has been established throughout years of business and community involvement.  Treasured relationships have grown, continually adding to our diverse network, allowing for service that is both resourceful and thoughtful as new situations may require.

In this manner, it is our vision for Real Estate Connections to provide you with knowledgeable service you can trust.